
In September and October of 2012, 17 U.S. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) automotive brands worked together to launch the first syndicated technician survey. On behalf of Nissan, we would like to thank all the Nissan and Infiniti technician participants who took time and responded to the survey. The following information will provide a high level summary of the most relevant survey findings received from the participating technicians.

Technician support of this survey has been quite strong as shown by some verbatim comments from those who participated:


What can the dealership do to help you to achieve your career goal...

Technician Demographics

Although the age distribution across the various OEMs varied significantly, the average age of approximately 800 Nissan and Infiniti technicians who participated ranged from 33-44 years old. The educational background of the participating technicians indicated that 70 percent of technicians were high school graduates, and about half had attended a trade school. 67 percent of the technicians surveyed were currently Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified. This highly regarded ASE certification reflects their special skills, attention to quality and professional experience.


Speaking of the experience of the technician respondents, 20 percent of the technicians were working in their first full-time job, while most of the technicians had been working in the automotive industry for a while. The survey results indicated that on average less than 15 percent of the technicians had worked in a different industry prior to becoming automotive technicians. The survey also indicated that the majority of technicians have spent their careers with their current brand, and about 20 percent were with the same brand but with various dealers. Brand preference and financial opportunity were the top reasons why they have stayed although technician training programs and prestige were shown to be growing in importance. Technicians who indicated they had previously worked for a different brand stated the top reasons they left included: dealer management, pay rates or lack of sufficient business.


How can Nissan help to achieve your career goal...

Repair Support and Training

What did technicians say they needed to perform quality repairs?

On average, technicians stated they needed better coordination with their service advisors and more support from their dealerships. They also suggested that improved part availability and service information would better allow them to perform high-quality repairs. The survey participants also thought improvements in technical support processes, and being able to obtain the right training content, or even an in-person training center would better enable them to repair customer vehicles properly. Less than half of those polled gave high marks to their dealers when responding as to whether their dealer supported them. The survey showed that most technicians felt receiving repair information about what specific symptoms would be present when a condition was found on a vehicle would be most useful. They also sited the need for improved availability to essential tools and access to previous repair history as useful in helping to service a vehicle.


What are the primary issues/barriers that prevent you from delivering high-quality repairs to your customers?


Overall Satisfaction and Retention

About half of those surveyed responded that technical training provided them the highest job satisfaction, followed by customer satisfaction and work environment. Conversely, the lowest ratings by those polled were given to pay plans and warranty labor times. 33 percent of the technicians stated their 5-year goal was to remain in the same job, while another 25 percent wanted to become a shop foreman or service manager. Finally, when asked what factors would have the biggest impact on their retention, technicians rated hourly pay and dealer co-workers as the biggest influences on whether they will remain in their current jobs.


Comments to Nissan...

“First off, thank you for actually making an effort to make our jobs easier. It is truly a pleasure to work on Nissans, and the product is something that (most) of us stand firmly behind. Second, thank you for sending people such as Pat Devost our FOM to dealers to come and check on issues we are seeing/gaining our feedback. With Nissan, I see my part in the big picture, and gain excitement with every new model that rolls out.”


Nissan’s Response

What we plan to do!

Here are a few items from the technician training side that are being implemented as a result of this survey, benchmarking and our Nissan’s Training Council.


Is there anything else that Nissan can do to help you as a technician?


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