
TechTalk is available using an ASIST PC or on CONSUL T at the dealership, but did you know you can reference the magazines at all times? TechTalk magazine can be viewed at your leisure on your own personal computer on the internet “anytime, anywhere!” To get there, just save the TechTalk Mobi URL address, Use the TechTalk Mobi site and view from a selection of twelve concurrently published TechTalk magazines on your smart phone, media device or on the internet whenever you have time.


TechTalk can be accessed online from or under Technical Magazines tab. Publications from the TechInfo website will require you to signup for an account and purchase a viewing subscription.


TechTalk is published quarterly along with added special edition magazines covering new vehicle overview and product information. TechTalk magazine is directed at Nissan and Infiniti Service Technicians with subject matter and articles addressing repair techniques, tool usage, new system design functionality and features. It is a resource for internal dealership service personnel and is intended for internal support only.


So add a link in your favorites to access TechTalk on the go or, when you have some time with the opportunity to sit down and read. Just remember, you’ll need to enter a valid dealer code each time you access the site.


TechTalk on ASIST™

When a new TechTalk is published on ASIST™, it is listed in the “Latest Updates” and in the Featured News banner information on the main menu screen. You will also find the 12 latest issues under the Tech Support Info dropdown list. Use the TechTalk/Xtra button on the main menu screen to quickly reference all of the currently available TechTalk magazines and their summaries. Archived TechTalk articles can also be found in ASIST® in applicable Model/Model Year Search Reference. View the subject article summaries and articles by clicking on the TT icon. TechTalk materials can also be found in Virtual Academy. On the Virtual Academy HOME screen, use the drop down list under the TechTalk tab or click on the More Technician Skills Information link to access subjects.



Would you like to receive you own personal alert when new service information is available? Communicating timely technical information to our technicians is critical, but the sheer volume and technical nature of the information make the task challenging. To help keep technicians up-to-date, TECH LINE has created a Technician Technical Communication System. This alert system allows technicians to receive the information they want, the way they want it.

When you subscribe to, you will be provided with an update when the information is available, and what’s best, you can choose the alerts you want to receive! Choices include TSBs, TechTalk magazine, ESM updates and more. You will be sent only the information that you need and want to be alerted to via a text message or by email. The text is typically a short “headline,” allowing you to quickly review a topic. The goal is to raise awareness quickly, without the detail before it is needed.